Monday 11/21/22

November 19, 2022
Monday 11/21/22

Change of Shoes

Winter weather is here. Please bring a clean pair of gym shoes to change into upon arrival. We will be storing shoes to the right of the door for the winter months. Please take an extra second to straighten your shoes so we can best utilize the space.

Thanksgiving Schedule Changes


9:00 in each station with 4:00 to transition to the next

You will only do one warm-up depending on what your start station is.


KB Groin Mobility

1/2 Kneeling Groin Stretch


You will only do one warm-up depending on what your start station is.

Knee Grabs

Tippy Twists


3 reps in less than 0:30. Build in weight, but your reps must take no longer than 0:30 - can be done as singles - do not need to be touch and go reps. You will manage your own rest time here. It is recommended to rest 1:30 between sets as things start to get heavy. New CrossFitters focusing on light weight and form can do 3 reps every 1:00.

We will record your heaviest set of 3 (in less than 0:30)



As Many Rounds/Repetitions as Possible in 9:00

Back Squats

Ab Mat Sit-Up (AMSU)

Bar Hops


As Many METERS as Possible in 9:00

Rowing Technique


Hip Abduction

Clam Shells

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