Monday 3/13/23

March 12, 2023
Monday 3/13/23

The Mobility

The Warm-Up

For 8:00 work through the following movements

The Strength

On a 2:45 loop

Front Squat (from rig)

Active Rest = Strapless row/thruster build

The Met-Con

As Many Calories and Thrusters As Possible in 17:00

4 Rounds of:

:40 Max Thrusters

:20 Transition

:40 Max Cal Row

:20 Transition

After 4 Rounds, REST 1:00 then repeat another 4 Rounds


:60 Rest

2:00 Air Thruster/CWC/Lunge Reach

3:00 Assault, Echo, Row

The Finisher

CS Row & Lat Pull Down

Plank to Elevated Plank

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