Murph Prep Monday 5/16/22

September 23, 2022
Murph Prep Monday 5/16/22


Lots of information landed in your inboxes Tuesday night. Please make sure to read the details.VIEW HERE

The Board

If you don't have a vest, DON'T WORRY!!!!!!This WOD (and Murph) will be just as much of a challenge without one. Do not feel like you have to go out and buy a vest. If you have one, wear it for the first part of the work-out only.

The Mobility

The Warm-Up

The Strength

The Met-Con

Trying to decide if you should wear a vest? Ask a Coach!

25:00 AMRAP

Starting this Met-Con off with a longer run to get ready for the miles of Murph.

After the Run and Rounds are complete, you will AMRAP (Rx=no vest) with remaining time*We want you to get to the AMRAP, scale accordingly

The Finisher

Dumbbell Row to Extension

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