Best WOD of the Week: 7/11/20

September 27, 2022
Best WOD of the Week: 7/11/20


Please review ALL requirements before coming to your first class

  1. If you are a new member or interested in a Free Trial Class you MUST contact us by email (with received confirmation) before coming to your first class.
  2. Review all COVID-19 Policies and Procedures HERE so you know what to do when you arrive. You can also WATCH THIS VIDEO for a visual guide.
  3. If you have recently traveled out of State, or came to Vermont from a different State. You MUST abide by self-quarantine guidelines FOUND HERE
  4. You must fill out a COVID-19 Liability Waiver in addition to our 802 CrossFit Waiver before class participation.
  5. Continue to watch the videos below to review the daily work-out. It is important you know the work-out ahead of time.


LIVE Zoom Classes

We will be streaming LIVE at noon and 4:30pm Monday-Friday beginning MondayMeeting ID will always be the same: 504-063-0477 Link HERE__________________________

The Board

Although the weight on the bar will differ for some, this Is a repeat rep scheme. Check out your numbers from years past (bottom of blog) and use it as a guide, even if the weight is not the same.

The Warm-Up

The Strength


'Death By's' follow a 1:00 clock. They start slow, and get spicy quick. Pace is key as you get deeper into the WOD.REMEMBER: Even if you don't think you'll make it through the entire round (at the end of the WOD), keep going and get every rep you can. Your score will be total completed rounds, plus any additional reps into the last round.

The Finisher

Repeat 9/16/19

Repeat 12/28/18

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