Fitness Friday 1/13/23

January 13, 2023
Fitness Friday 1/13/23


Bench Chest Opener

Banded Lat Stretch (1/2 Kneeling)


Work through the following movements for 10:00

EASY Push-ups

Narrow Swings



5-6 Rounds on a 3:00 Loop

Bench Press

Banded Strict Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

:45 Machine

*only your heaviest set of 5 will be recorded for bench press

*your chest to bar are a good warm-up for the met-con. Make sure you are getting a good squeeze at the top of the chest to bar!


As Many Pull-ups As Possible in 18:00

9 Rounds 1:30 WORK/ :30 TRANSITION (18:00)

Row (this row MUST BE 0:30 or less. It is going to be hard to hang onto, but it is the stimulus we want)

Kettlebell Swing

SL V-Ups

In time remaining, do as many Pull-Ups as possible


Incline Chest Press (DB from bench)

Low Ab Leg Raises

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