Fitness Friday 7/30/21

September 27, 2022
Fitness Friday 7/30/21

Running Clinic

Friday night at 5:40pm. There is still plenty of room, we would love to see you there! Learn proper form, technique and avoid running related pain! Cost $10.

The Board

The Mobility

Banded Wrist TractionPVC Front Rack Stretch

The Warm-Up

Good Mornings

The Strength

This is a complex, meaning you will move from one movement, to the next, to the next. New CrossFitters need not worry about the Split Jerk, until the Push-Jerk has been mastered. Use this time to zero in on a weight you will use for the WOD.


DT on the Run...

This WOD is a variation of the Hero WOD DT. DT is a great test of strength and barbell cycling abilities, testing improvement over time. DT as written is 5 Rounds for Time. We stepped things up making it an AMRAP and threw in a run to test your strength under fatigue.DT Hero WOD

The Finisher

Tire Flips

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