Free Trial Thursday 10/5/23

October 4, 2023
Free Trial Thursday 10/5/23

The Mobility

The Warm-up

9:00 working through the following movements

:30 Mono

Narrow Swings

Phelps Swings

Barbell Bench Press Build

The Strength

Barbell Bench Press

On a 2:30 Loop

*The weight is programmed to be heavy, so ensure spotters are in place for all singles. This is NOT a 1Rm day!!

The Met-Con

As Many Rounds/Repetitions /Calories As Possible in 24:00 with a Partner

Athlete 1: Row for Calories

Athlete 2: 1 Round

Box Jumps


Air Squats

Ab Mat Sit-Up (AMSU)

The Finisher

1/2 Kneeling Palloff Press

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