Free Trial Thursday 12/22/22

December 21, 2022
Free Trial Thursday 12/22/22


Free Trial Thursday attendees will focus mainly on THE WORK-OUT description and videos to go with it below. We will guide you through the warm-up and go over the work-out details when the rest of the class is doing THE STRENGTH session of the class.

All work-outs will be scaled to meet individual need and abilities, no matter your current level of fitness..

All questions will be answered when you arrive!


W + Y

Thread the Needle


For 9:00 work through the following movements progressing to the workout movements as you get warmed up
Strapless Row
Single Unders --> Double Unders
Step-Ups --> Box Jumps
Air Squats --> Wall Balls
DB Bench Build


On a 2:30 Loop

Dumbbell Chest Press (from bench)

Active Rest = Get all the equipment for all the stations


This workout follows a 1:00 rolling clock. This means you will end up getting off the machine or ending the movement a few seconds early to catch your breathe and transition to the next station.

  1. Calorie Row
  2. DBall to Shoulder
  3. Box Jumps
  4. Calorie Bike
  5. Wall Balls

*You will start in one of the stations. You will complete as many reps as you can in 1:00, then move to the next station. You will go through all the movements for 5 rounds.


Pull-Overs & Dips (on bench)

Scap Pins (from Rig/BB)

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