Free Trial Thursday 3/26/20

September 27, 2022
Free Trial Thursday 3/26/20

Live Classes Today (Thursday)

Meeting ID number: 504-063-0477

Both Classes will Open 30 minutes prior to class time to chit chat. WE WILL DO THE ENTIRE CLASS LIVE.


If you haven't downloaded the Zoom App, you must do so prior to joining in the fun! Find ALL THE INFO HERE

Wondering What a Class is Like?

A glimpse into the 4:30.... if you havent gone live with us yet, youre missing out! Youll get coached, find a lot of motivation, but best of all, youll find the same ol bull shittin crew!

Free Trial Thursday

This is a great one to drag your isolated Friends into.... Simple, to the point, and very effective!

The Warm-Up:

Don't forget to go through this 3 times. You will want your shoulders good and warmed up before going into the strength!

The Strength


The Extra Work:

10-20 Dead Bugs (Fit=around 10 reps, Rx=around 20)

20 Speed Presses5 Rounds

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