Free Trial Thursday: 5/14/20

September 27, 2022
Free Trial Thursday: 5/14/20

Links To Sign-In to Thursday Live Classes

Meeting ID number: 504-063-0477

Free Trial Thursday

Have a friend that wants to join us? Bring them in! Just make sure they watch the videos below. They will most likely be sticking to the 'Fit' level for the WOD, and using a Dumbbell or loaded backpack or gallon jugs for the Strength.

The Warm-Up

The Strength

We are really trying to perfect your timing of the hip pop here. Pop, then pull. A common flaw is pulling too early, causing you to 'muscle' the weight up. Be sure to use a load that is allowing you to bring those elbows back (high and outside) with each rep you do.


The Finisher

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