Monday 12/26/22

December 25, 2022
Monday 12/26/22


Only 9am and 11am Classes Monday 12/26


Low Body Foam Roll:

Glute Foam Roll

IT Foam Roll


For 10:00 work though the following movements

:45 Row


Split Stance Squat

Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift High Pull

Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch (DB HPS)

Dumbbell Overhead Lunge


As Many Rounds/Repetitions As Possible in 30:00 with a Partner

* Athlete 1 will start with the row and Athlete 2 will AMRAP the following movements

Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull

Kettlebell Hang Power Snatch

Kettlebell Overhead Lunge (video shows reverse lunge, we will do alternating forward lunges)

Double Tap Starfish

*When Athlete 1 finishes 800m, A2 will row 800, A1 will pick up where A2 left off.

* Each athlete will continue to switch until all rows are complete and then they will AMRAP in the time remaining. One works while the other rests

* Score will only be from second AMRAP only

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