Tuesday 1/18/22

September 27, 2022
Tuesday 1/18/22

CrossFit Open Tee Shirts

The CrossFit Open begins 2/24. You will hear us talk more and more about it in the coming weeks. Each year we design a new tee shirt to wear for the Saturday WODs. If you would like to order a 2022 802 Open Tee Shirt, please follow THIS LINKOR email info@802crossfit.com if you have trouble with the link.Tee Shirts $25

The CrossFit Open

February 24 - March 9


The Board

Pick a focus category and ignore everything else listed.Little bit of a different layout with the warm-up and strength combined.Level One - For those building Strict Pull-Up StrengthLevel Two - For those building Kipping Pull-Up/Toes to Bar/Handstand strengthLevel Three - For those building BMU/TTB/HSPU StrengthLevel Four - For those building Ring Muscle Up Strength * Must be able to do a ring dip to do this category *

All Levels will do 2 rounds of line one, then move on to 2 rounds of line 2, then finish with as many rounds time allows of the final line item.

Level One

Level Two

Level Three

Level Four

The Met-Con

At 3-2-1 Go, and every 3:00 thereafter you will rowBetween each row you will do As Many Rounds as Possible of Ab Mat Sit-Ups and Air SquatsRemember where you left off when it comes time to get back on the rower because that is where you will pick up with the AMRAP

The Finisher

Landmine Wood Chop

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