Wednesday 10/18/23

October 17, 2023
Wednesday 10/18/23

The Mobility

The Warm-up

6:00 working through the movements

Side to Side Rock


Wall Slides

Alternating Toe Touches

The Strength/Met-con

This workout Is designed to practice pulling movements under fatigue.

The first 3:00 of the loop, you will do SDL, Crossover Step-Ups and until the 3:00 timer sounds, you will do your pulling movement.

After the 3:00 timer, you will move onto the cal Row and Ring Rows. Wait until the 3:00 is up, then begin again.

You may choose to work on different pulling movements each round. Make it your own and what you need/want to work on. Just don't continue to practice unsuccessful reps over and over again.

Following a 6 min Loop

  1. Sumo Deadlift
  2. Crossover Step-Ups Overs
  3. :45 Max Cal Echo / Ass / Ski or Runner  
  4. Max Pull Movement (Pull-Ups / Chest to Bar Pull-Up / Bar Muscle Up/ Ring Muscle Up)
  5. :45 Max Cal Row
  6. Single Arm Ring Row

The Finisher

Death March

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