Wednesday 5/3/23

May 3, 2023
Wednesday 5/3/23

Saturday 5/6

We are hosting a CrossFit Level 1 seminar on Sat 5/6 & do not have building access.

THE WEATHER IS LOOKING NICE! So we will meet on the green next door to 802 for ONE CLASS at 9:00am for kids and adults. Please sign-in as usual and dress for the weather (50 and sunny). Your work-out will be 100% outdoors.

You can access the bathrooms if absolutely need be, but we are trying to keep building traffic to a minimum.

You will park at the green next door as well!

Ready to Run Seminar

If you are plagued with running related pain, and find this movement extremely difficult, sign yourself up for our Ready to Run Seminar on Monday, 5/8 at 5:40pm. Free for all 802 members.

The Mobility

Lying T-Spine

The Warm-Up

7:00 working through the following movements

Down Ups after each PVC movement

PVC Back Rack Press

5 PVC Strict Press

5 PVC Front Squat

5 PVC Push-Press

The Strength

2:30 Loop (from the rig)

Strict Press


Active Rest = :30 Strapless Row (squeeze your scaps at the end of each pull)

The Met-con

As Many Alt DB Power Snatch As Possible following a 1:15 Loop

Round 1 - Run + No WB

R2 - Run + 1 WB

R3 - Run + 2 WB

R4 - Run + 3 WB

R5 - Run + 4 WB

R6 - Run + 5 WB

R7 through 11 - Run + 5 WB and As Many Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatch As Possible with time Remaining.

* Each round increases the number of WB, and then in the last 7-->11 rounds, this is where you will get your score from. You will accumulate as many Alternating DB PS after doing the run and WB. This is going to be tight, and you are just going to have to hold on and rip out a few PS in the remaining time.

The Finisher

Front Raises

Reverse Fly (Bent Over)

:60-:90 Plank/Side Planks

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