Best WOD of the Week 4/29/23

April 28, 2023
Best WOD of the Week 4/29/23

The Details

This is not a partner WOD, but you will be partnered up to share implements.

Scores will be independent.

You will be following a rolling 1:00 clock, which means there is no transition time built in between movements (Similar to the WOD, Fight Gone Bad).

You will take it upon yourself as to when you want to stop, catch your breath and move to the next station.

You cannot begin until the timer goes off though.

All stations are scorable EXCEPT the run, however, you must make it back in the door within the 1:00 time frame to get credit for the distance you are trying to achieve.

At the end you will have one total score of all reps completed.

The Movements

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