Best WOD of the Week: 7/15/23

July 14, 2023
Best WOD of the Week: 7/15/23


You will move through this work-out in a team of 3

One athlete will go through 1 round of the HPS, BJ, SF and Burpees

One athlete will hold a burden ball

One athlete will row

The athlete doing the HPS etc. will determine when all athletes switch

Your goal is to go through in this fashion until all row meters are complete.

When row meters are complete, you will move to Part II - The Chipper

Classic chipper style, you will complete all 100 HPS before moving to 100 BJ

You will continue to cycle athletes through the working station. However, Part II switches will happen each time an athlete returns from the run

Your run will not be a sprint. It should take about 0:40, giving the working athlete time to chip away at the movements


Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch (Alternating)

Box Jumps



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