Best WOD of the Week: 7/8/23

July 7, 2023
Best WOD of the Week: 7/8/23

The Details

Runs will be together, although athletes do not need to 'stay' together. If one athlete returns first, they will rest until their partner returns

Work will then be divided. A1 works, while A2 rests.

The clean & jerk weight is heavy. The weight choose should be one in which you can do at least 3 reps in a row. If you cannot, it is too heavy. The reps DURING the work-out do not need to be unbroken, this is just the stimulus we are looking for to help you choose what weight to use.

After completing the round of 600/60 AMRAP for your score with the time remaining

Athlete 1 will work, Athlete 2 will rest

Athlete 1 will go through the entire list of the AMRAP, then A2 will go

The Movements

Squat Clean and Jerk

Burpee Over Bar

Plate Ground to Overhead

V-Ups/SL V-Ups

Kettlebell Swing

Bar Hops

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