Fitness Friday 2/24/22 Copy

February 23, 2023
Fitness Friday 2/24/22 Copy

Schedule Changes

We have removed the 5:40pm class from the schedule on Friday nights for the next 3 weeks. This will allow us to set things up for our Saturday Main Event

We have also canceled CrossFit Kids on Saturday to accommodate our event.

Fitness Friday

The day before the Open is a common rest day for many. If you are not doing the WOD on Saturday, go all out! If you are doing the WOD on Saturday, please treat this as an active rest day. Stay light, just sweat! 

Open Heat Schedule

We will post Open Heat schedules here as soon as possible on Friday. Please check back for more Information. We will send out a text message when content is posted! If your availability has changed, please let us know! 

The Mobility

Banded Wrist Traction

Prize Squat

The Warm-Up

For 9:00 work through the following movements

Hang Power Clean (HPC) Build

Air Squats --> Wall Balls


The Met-Con

As Many Rounds/Repetitions As Possible in 18:00

Hang Power Clean (HPC)


At 0:00, 6:00 and 12:00 you will stop where you are and ROW

At 3:00, 9:00 and 15:00 you will stop where you are and do WALL BALLS


The Strength

:60 REST

2:00 Machine

THEN Every Minute On the Minute for 18 min:

1 Clean and Jerk reset, pause and hold for 2 seconds in Jerk set-up

The Finisher

5:00 Bike Flush

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