Fitness Friday 3/24/23

March 23, 2023
Fitness Friday 3/24/23

The Mobility

The Warm-Up

1 Round

With a PVC

Front to Back

Back Rack Press

Elbows High & Outside

Air Squats

Prone Scorpions (on your back)

Supine Scorpions (on your belly)


The Strength

From 0:00-3:00

From 3:00-10:00

From 10:00-15:00

From 15:00-25:00

* No touch and go on the snatches! Reset between each rep so that you are performing each snatch the best you can

The Metcon

Down Ladder with a 15:00 Time Cap

You will start at 20 alternating DB power snatches (make sure the both heads of the dumbbell touch the ground each rep,  then 10 pull-ups. The next round, you will do 18 alternating DB power snatches and 9 pull-ups. The snatches decrease by 2 each round and the pull-ups decrease by 1 each rounds.

* At GO and every 1:30 you will complete Air Squats

The Finisher

Single Snatch Pulls @ 90-100%

Then into:

Suitcase Carry with DB

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