Fitness Friday 3/31/23

March 30, 2023
Fitness Friday 3/31/23

The Mobility

Banded Hip Opener

Banded Hip Opener


For 10:00 the coaches will bring you through a coach-led warm-up


Down Dog Push Back

Sumo Deadlift

SDL w/ Fast Shrug

Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDLHP)

The Strength

2:30 Loop

6 sets of 3 reps

Tempo Sumo Deadlift (3-0-1-2)

3 second decent, touch and go, 1 second up, 2 second pause at the top

Count in your head, do not look at the clock

Active Recovery = SDLHP build or TS -->TSP -->Pull-ups or AS-->WB

The Metcon

7 Rounds for Time with a 14:00 Time Cap

Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDLHP)


Wall Balls

The Finisher

Barbell Glute Bridges

EZ Bar Curls

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