Fitness Friday 6/2/23

June 1, 2023
Fitness Friday 6/2/23

The Mobility

Glute Foam Roll

Lax Boxed Hamstring Smash

The Warm-Up

8:00 working through the following movements

Strapless Row

Walking Figure Fours

Knee Grabs

Open the Door

Close the Door

PVC Banded DL Activates(sumo)

The Strength

On a 3:00 Loop

Sumo Deadlift

Active Rest - :30 Strapless Row / Kettlebell Swing Build  

The Met-con

6 Rounds for Time with a 18:00 Time Cap

Kettlebell Swing


Suitcase Carry (WALKING)


The Finisher

Front Raise, Side Raise, Rev. Fly

Low Ab Leg Raises

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