Fitness Friday 7/22/22

August 18, 2022
Fitness Friday 7/22/22

SURPRISE: our new site launched, and it wasn't quite ready to be launched (insert palm to face emoji here). Work with us as we figure out this new system.

REMINDER: We are hosting a CrossFit Level 2 Course on Saturday and therefore do not have access to gym space. We will hold ONE class at 9am for adults at the 200m mark green like we did a few weeks ago. Come prepared with water and an empty bladder.

The Strength

Every Minute on the Minute for 20:00

*no score or weights recorded. Focus is movement quality*

Minute 1: Run - the run should take you less than 0:55. We want you under the pull-up bar ready to go when the timer goes off. If you are not, reduce the run.

Minute 2: Use this time to work on PERFECT pull-ups (tight hollow/arch). Rxers are looking for max unbroken sets, BUT we don't want you to do pull-ups for more 0:30 each round. Performance athletes can be working on and off within the minute on good reps to help increase proficiency with the movement. Fitness athletes can do ring rows or low bar toe assisted pull-ups to build strength.

Minute 3: Low Body Russian Twists

Minute 4: 10 Deadlift reps at 60% means we are not going for max loading. If you do not know your 1 RM, it should be a very moveable weight.

The Met-Con

This is a fast, light work-out. If you don't normally do Rx, don't do Rx just because it's a lighter bar. There's a few things going on here...

* = Bar Hops

Also, Every Minute on the Minute you will stop and do Toes to Bar or (Knees above hips). After you Toes to Bar you will go back to work where you left off. YOU WILL NOT DO TTB AT 3-2-1 GO.

The work-out starts with Bar Hops.

You will then do 5 Front Squats and 5 Sumo Deadlift High Pull

Bar Hops

10 FS, 10 SDLHP

Bar Hops

15 FS, 15 SDLHP

Bar Hops


Don't forget that the timer will be sounding EMOM and you will have to stop and do TTB

If you do not finish under the time cap, this work-out will be scored by rounds complete.

The Finisher

Hatch Week 6 Day 2

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