Saturday 5/6
We are hosting a CrossFit Level 1 seminar on Sat 5/6 & do not have building access.
THE WEATHER IS LOOKING NICE! So we will meet on the green next door to 802 for ONE CLASS at 9:00am for kids and adults. Please sign-in as usual and dress for the weather (50 and sunny). Your work-out will be 100% outdoors.
You can access the bathrooms if absolutely need be, but we are trying to keep building traffic to a minimum.
You will park at the green next door as well!
Free Trial Thursday attendees will focus mainly on THE WORK-OUT description and videos to go with it below. We will guide you through the warm-up and go over the work-out details when the rest of the class is doing THE STRENGTH session of the class.
All work-outs will be scaled to meet individual need and abilities, no matter your current level of fitness..
All questions will be answered when you arrive!
The Mobility
Banded Lat Stretch (1/2 Kneeling)
The Warm-up
7:00 working through the following movements
1Strapless Strokes
Overhead Squat Build
The Strength
With a :03 pause at the bottom
Active rest: Easy Push-ups
The Met-con
As Many Rounds/ Repetitions as Possible in 25:00 With a Partner
Athlete 1 - Burden Shuttle Walk
Athlete 2 - 1 Round of:
Plate Hops (Lat/Fwd/Split/Burpee)
Calorie Row
*After Athlete 2 goes through 1 Round of the AMRAP they will run out to relieve Athlete 1 of the burden. That person will Run in and do the AMRAP and so on...
The Finisher