Friday 7/7/23

July 5, 2023
Friday 7/7/23

Olympic Lifting

Our typical 'first Friday of the month' Olympic Lifting class will be held the second Friday of the month for July. We will meet on Friday 7/14 at 6:50pm and our focus will be the Snatch. Sign-up on Push Press! 

The Mobility

Glute Foam Roll

Barbell Quad Roll/Smash

Lat Foam Roll

The Warm-Up

8 minutes

Station 1

Strapless strokes

Double Unders

Station 2

Box lat activate

Inch worms

TTB/KAH/Toe Raises

Station Day!!!

8:00 In each station, 4:00 to transition to the next

Your coach will tell you what station to begin in

You will do one warm-up depending on what your start station is

Station #1

Cal Row

60 DU

Station #2

10 T2B

15/12cal Echo

Station #3

Lunge for meters

The Finisher

Air Squats

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