Hero WOD: 7/3/19

September 27, 2022
Hero WOD: 7/3/19

Wednesday July 3rdNO 6:30PM Class, NO Foundations, NO CrossFit Kids 4-8yrsThursday July 4thNO CLASSES

Hero WOD

Join us Wednesday for our Independence Day Hero WOD before you enjoy the Holiday festivities. Celebrate our Independence with an appreciation for all of those that have given their all for our freedom. This year, we will complete the WOD Bradley to remember Senior Airman Bradley Smith that lost his life while trying to save a fellow Airman and Solider after an explosive device sent them into a nearby creek. Bradley removed himself from cover retrieving the Airman and when returning for the soldier, a second device ignited, killing them both. In honor of Bradley's selfless sacrifice, we will complete this WOD.


10 Rounds For Time:100m Sprint10 Pull-Ups100m Sprint10 BurpeesRest :30

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