Monday 3/20/23

March 20, 2023
Monday 3/20/23

The Mobility

The Warm-Up

For 8:00 work through the following movements

The Strength

We are continuing to zero in on heavy singles. We will use these loads for future percentage work. Make note of what you are able to achieve. REMEMBER work within your current means - not jumping in weight to what your 1RM was a year ago coming off of a squat program.

On a 2:45 loop

Back Squat (BS)

Active Rest = Strapless row/HPC

The Met-Con

As Many Rounds/Repetitions As Possible

Hang Power Clean (HPC)

Back Squats (from the floor)

Burpee Over Bar

* @ GO and every 4:00 Row

The Finisher

Landmine Wood Chop


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