Thursday 3/31/22

September 27, 2022
Thursday 3/31/22

No Free Trial This Week!

We will not be holding our Free Trial classes this week on 3/31. Please tell your friends we will be back on schedule next Thursday.

The Board

The Warm-Up

Split Stance HopTorso Rotation

The Strength

A fun little circuit for you with some non-traditional CF movements...Barbell CurlsOH Tricep ExtensionOblique Crunch

The Met-Con

5 Rounds following a 3:00 clock...You will perform the given movements below. With any time remaining of the 3:00, you will do As Many Double Unders as Possible for your score. Embrace this as a day to work on DU's if you are not good at them.Choose a rep scheme that will get you there.There is no rest between sets. You choose to set your rope down early if you need a break before the next round begins...

The Finisher

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