Thursday 5/26/22

September 23, 2022
Thursday 5/26/22

Free Trial Thursday

The Board

The Mobility

The Warm-Up

The Strength

You will work through all of the movements on a 2:30 loop for 6-7 rounds

The Metcon

For Time - 18:00 Time CapYour goal is to complete all runs/reps in less than 18:00The Run distance will decrease each round, but the number of reps for the other movements will stay the same.

For example:Rx:

If you do not finish the work in 18:00 your score will be number of rounds plus reps completeMath is hard on some of these Run Distances under fatigue. If you aren't good with math in your head, we suggest writing down the distance you need to run to before the WOD begins.

The Finisher

Overhead Walk

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