Tuesday 1/31/23

January 30, 2023
Tuesday 1/31/23


Sunday, 2/5 9-11am with Casey Baczewski. Open Gym is a great time to work on skills you would like to get better at. Casey is incredibly knowledgable and we'd love to see you in there picking her brain!

The CrossFit Open

February 16 - March 3

Event details are rolling in and it's time to get excited!

The Mobility

Banded Lat Stretch (Standing)

Low Back Mobility

The Warm-Up

Box Lat Activates

Down, Up + Shoulder Tap

Bent Over Reverse Fly

Ring Rows

The Strength

14:00 - cycle through the list as many times as you can.

The Met-Con

As Many Rounds/Reps as Possible 1:00 ON - 0:30 rest/transition

The Finisher

Seated Lat Pull Downs

Pikes on the Rower

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