Tuesday 5/30/23

May 29, 2023
Tuesday 5/30/23

The Mobility

Snow Angel (Foam Roll)

Banded Lat Stretch (1/2 Kneeling)

Quad Foam Roll

The Warm-Up

10:00 working through the following movements

Arm Circle Forward Gravel Jog

Single Arm Chest Press

:30 Strapless Row

Dumbbell Row to Extension

:30 Bike

Crossover Step-Ups

Down Ups


PVC Torso Rotation

Post Murph Flush

*This will be a good flush from yesterday, and if you did not do Murph, push hard in the working sets!

5 Rounds of:

:60 WORK with a :30 TRANSITION

Short to long ladder sprint

Single Arm DB Chest Press (light)

Calorie Row

DB Row 2 Ext. light 20 reps

Calorie Echo or Assault

Crossover Step-Ups overs

The Finisher

Bicycle Crunch

CS T’s & Pull Downs

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