Best WOD of the Week 1/7/23

January 6, 2023
Best WOD of the Week 1/7/23


You will accumulate As Many METERS As Possible with your partner in 32:00

One Athlete will row while the other Athlete works

You will move through the entire list, then with any time remaining, you will row, switching as often as you would like with your partner.

If you are doing Rx, you will divide the reps in all stations (except SLTU) in sets of 25. This means you might have to break up the reps and NOT go unbroken, which is okay!

For example:

A1 Rows while A2 does 25 KBS - then A2 will row while A1 does KBS. Repeat for a total of 100 reps, then move to BOS

The SLTU will be divided in sets of 50, prompting only 1 switch

Your goal is to make it through all the movements and have 5+ minutes on the rower at the end.


Kettlebell Swing

Ball Over Shoulder

Single Leg Tuck-Up



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