Covid Updates 11/11/20
- You have all heard that cases have spiked in our region and the Governor has mandated all travelers in/out of State must now quarantine. We need you all to abide by this mandate if you plan on traveling. That means quarantining for ONE WEEK after you return, and THEN GET TESTED, or quarantining for 2 straight weeks. We will gladly pause your membership for this time if you let us know.
We also need you to be more diligent than ever before at 802. What does this mean?
- Temperature Checks upon arrival. Anything greater than, or equal to, 100.4 will require you to go home.
- Wearing masks covering your MOUTH and NOSE every time you leave your mat
- Spraying and wiping down everything you touch throughly. Bringing your rag with you to give the area your hand touched one final wipe down.
- Respect others space and give them distance at all times.
- Using the back room on a regular basis to spread members out even more.
Couples - We Need Your HelpIf you are a couple, and plan on attending Saturday, 4:30 or 5:40pm weekly, please try and attend the same class. If one of you makes a reservation and then cancels, please text us to let us know instead of canceling on MindBody. Couples dictate the number of people we have room for in class. If one of the couple cancels and lets a non-couple individual in from the waitlist, it screws up how many spots we have available. I will talk to you all individually to help have this make more sense. Don't worry if you can't always do this, it will just help whenever you can. Sara (802) 238-6546 Tarken (802) 233-4414
The Board
We are continuing to work through website trouble... Please enjoy your board 'pic' as a board 'video' instead... Take a screen shot if you would like to print it out.
Station #1: 9 minute AMRAP
9 minutes of work, 4 minutes to transition to the next station...
Station #2: 9 minute AMRAP
Station #3